
Advanced Hedging

A highly active and intelligent energy management service, using advanced hedging techniques.

Having an advanced hedging strategy that can cope with shocks to the system

The pain caused by the high prices of 2022/23 will remain in the corporate memory for many years.

Yet the inappropriate hedging strategies that led to large businesses being caught out by the high energy prices of the last two years are still in place in many companies.

  • Often fundamental changes are needed, such as your risk policy and hedging strategy, to make sure don’t get caught put again. We can show you how.
  • 2023 budgeted costs are high – but the market has been falling since Q4 2022 – how do you make sure you make the most of the falling markets?
  • A price rise is a problem when buying energy. But once you are generating energy, such a headwind becomes an opportunity. Knowing when you are going to consume, and being able to load shift, creates an opportunity to add value.
Our tailored approach includes:

Hedging strategy development, together with the risk policy that's essential for tight governance

Ongoing advice about when, and when not, to hedge

Deep market insight and expert guidance and support

Monthly risk meetings

Supply agreement tendering, negotiating and contracting

Corporate PPAs

Financial hedging

Automated daily risk position reporting, that also tracks NCCs

Assistance with budgeting and reforecasting


Our hedging strategies have succeeded for years in many of the largest consumers of energy

Our clients benefit from our advanced hedging strategies, financial hedging and corporate PPAs

You experience faster, smarter, more informed decision making

A long term perspective that future proofs your business

We deliver measurable and significant savings, and enable major cost avoidance

Unbiased and highly experienced support in securing supply agreements that work for you

Cost certainty - reduced risk of shocks

Finely tuned risk management governance

We don’t take commissions or kick-backs in any way. So financially we’re on the same side as you

Get in touch

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Our Clients

We work with companies head-quartered in US, UK and Europe. And we’re able to service their global needs.

Recent Insights

Read our thoughts, ideas and tips about great energy management and accelerating the journey to net zero.